Sunday, December 6, 2015

A little politeness goes a long way

I have been having a run of bad luck with traffic offenses lately. After being pulled over for speeding a few days ago, I was guilty yesterday of presuming that I could take a free left turn at an intersection that was not in effect a free-left.

Two cops pulled me over and I stepped out of the car, said 'Namaskar' with a smile and asked what I had done wrong. I think the difference was in my tone, for I asked what I had done wrong in a tone of humble enquiry and not in a tone of challenge. When the policeman informed me that I had taken a left turn at a red light, I apologized and admitted my fault. Without his asking for it, I produced my driving licence and handed it to him and asked him to prepare the challan.

I suspect he was taken aback with my genuine politeness and the fact that I showed no inclination of challenging his stand. I had admitted my mistake and was willing to pay the fine. He looked at my licence and saw that I was from Pune. He looked at the car's registration number and confirmed that the car was also from Pune. He handed my licence back to me and said, "Please drive carefully," and even opened the door of my car for me.

All this talk of corrupt policemen - I have no clue where all that nonsense is coming from.

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