Saturday, March 28, 2015

Young India - an indicator

In the 1980s, Doordarshan used to telecast 'Ramayan' and 'Mahabharat' on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. I loved those Sunday mornings, when I could drive on the roads of Pune like it were the Buddh International Circuit. I was the only person on the road.

I realized last Sunday, that such a situation is not likely to happen again. You see, back in the 80s, the only people who owned and used automobiles were in their forties and beyond; and they really liked to watch 'Ramayan' and 'Mahabharat'. So much so, that all other things on Sundays were scheduled around the telecast schedules.

Youth today, I suspect is not going to put their lives on pause for a TV show. Which brings me to my point. An interesting indicator of the age and vibrancy of a population is how empty the roads are going to be when a particular show is being aired.

May we never have empty roads again.

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