Thursday, July 23, 2015

Intelligent, honourable or a communist

I read a piece some years ago that said that people can be intelligent, honourable or communist, but not more than two out of the three.

I have often depicted this 'truth' as a three-circle Venn diagram with the triple intersection labelled as a null set. Leonid Brezhnev would be an apt example of a person who was intelligent and a communist, but honourable is in question, for he had a penchant for owning flashy expensive cars like Ferrari s while he espoused the virtues of communal ownership of all goods to the plebs. The outer party workers of his time could be the honourable communists, but their intelligence is in question, for they worked very hard to get Brezhnev his Ferrari s.

As for people who are intelligent and honourable, well, most of us are not communists are we?

I realized after reading this piece that the same Venn diagram could hold true even when we replaced 'communist' with a number of other leanings or professions. 'Politician' comes to mind, and so do a couple of other professions.

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