Monday, November 30, 2015

A slower world

I drove to Mumbai a few days ago for a meeting that was scheduled rather early in the morning. As it turned out, the meeting had been rescheduled to another day and someone had forgotten to recheck the schedule. As recently as a few years ago, I would have been frustrated and angry at the waste of time. This time, I was surprisingly placid. I was enjoying the scenery on my drive back to Pune.

I have mixed feelings about this: on one hand, I find myself wondering if I am losing my edge, if I am beginning to accept life as it comes with a little too much acquiescence, and on the other hand, I also notice that I do not get stressed easily any more. I also realized as I was staring out the window that getting stressed does not get the work done any faster; it just works your heart and brain beyond design specifications. Wish I had realized this twenty years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the careless bugger was :D

-- Mohit