Friday, November 20, 2015

Fruit and Jam

I remember having read somewhere that once you drop a bad habit for a better one, your mind ceases to find the old habit very enjoyable. To test out this hypothesis, I tried watching TV a few days ago and chanced upon Seinfeld playing on a certain channel. After a month of no TV and using all that time reading or riding, TV now seems dreary. Seinfeld , a show I used to enjoy once upon a time, I did not find funny at all. To be honest, I found the mindless banter between George and Elaine and Jerry to be rather juvenile. I watched an episode of Two and Half Men and ditto: not a single laugh or guffaw ensued. Not even a smile.

Paul Graham once wrote, "When you stop eating jam, fruit starts to taste better."

I have just learned that the converse is also true. When you start eating fruit, jam just doesn't cut it anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Unrelated to this post)

Did you just miss a day's post and not make up for it!? :-o
