Monday, May 25, 2015

Convenient equals faster

I have noticed that a number of advertisements these days purport to offer a higher degree of convenience in our lives. Increasingly however, convenience is becoming no more than a synonym for quicker or faster. A mnemonic for convenient these days is a TV dinner, sold in a moulded plastic compartmentalized tray. Unwrap – microwave – eat. No need even to ladle the food from its serving container to a plate to eat. Airline meals are the ultimate TV dinner.  Yet we lament the passing of great airline service with real silverware and food served in porcelain. We explain that away by admitting the cost and revenue pressures on airlines. Airlines are caught between trying to deliver ever lower fares in the face of increasing costs.

The TV dinner is the anti-thesis of a civilized meal, where plating and presentation and the art of serving are a large part of the dining experience.

In our ever faster lives, we aspire to the leisure and style of an expertly prepared and well-presented dinner. Yet we are moving ever closer to fast food and junk food for its convenience.

I had written some time ago that popular TV programs are an indicator of what we aspire to, but have difficulty in obtaining. Behold the popularity of Masterchef as a prime time TV show.

1 comment:

Timepass2007 said...

Shiv, when do you return ? Will you be back by the 28th. Smses not going through. :)