Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Desi Quartet

An overwhelming number of Indians residing in the US in the 80s or the 90s drove one of four cars; Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry, Honda Civic and Honda Accord. This group was called the Desi Quartet.

This time round I have noticed that the Indian diaspora here have since become more adventurous with respect to their choice of cars. I saw Indian driving Mustangs and Camaros and even a pick-up truck. I also noticed Indians traveling business class and toting Louis Vuittons and Pradas.

What caused such a sea-change in one generation? For most of our parents' generation, moms stayed at home. With our generation, we increasingly have double income couples. Life in the US needs be quite frugal with a single income, but with another 60K, one can live a rather good life.

Plus 1 for higher levels of education among Indian women.

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