Monday, May 18, 2015

The Roll Not Taken

The last time I went on a diet, a good friend advised me to keep a detailed log of everything I had eaten. There are apps that make it easier to maintain this log. They do not however make it any easier to lose weight. The log only feed one's guilt upon not sticking to the strict diet plan.

Here during my travels, I have chanced upon a technique that actually eggs me on to stick to the diet. I am maintaining a log everything I could have eaten on impulse, but didn't. One thing I have been able to stay off of is sodas. That's 180 calories avoided every time I choose water over Coke.
I have also been adding to the list all the Hostess cupcakes and I used to love 15 years ago. I have also steered clear of Starbucks on this visit, though it hasn't been easy walking past that aroma.

This process has been strangely motivating as I notch up the calories that could have been. And even when I do succumb to Philadelphia cream cheese on a honey nut bagel, my guilt score is way lower than my achievement score.

Try it out - celebrate what's right with the world.

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