Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happily ever after

A number of fairy tales end with, "and they lived happily ever after."

It seemed like an apt close to a fancy story with a happy ending. But here is the thing, you see. 'Ever after' is a long time, even within the comparatively short life span of a human being.

When I look back at the events in my life where I had claimed victory over some challenge, I remember thinking at the time that the glory will last forever. It is rarely ever so, for the next challenge is just around the corner.

In any case, wouldn't life be boring without new challenges?
I have a friend who seems to think that being born rich would be a blessing. I am not so sure. Being able to buy that yacht at any time does not sound as much fun as having to work for it and then living the glory of having achieved the goal.

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