Friday, April 17, 2015

Watching TV

I watched TV today after a long time; a few months actually. I seem to remember that the last time I used to look forward to watching a TV show was back in the good old days when the Discovery Turbo channel was actually about cars. Now they have shows about skiing and snowboarding and trekking and eating maggots to survive in the wilderness. And cooking. Where is the turbo in that?

I also ran afoul of the anti-channel-surfing rule I had set for my kids; they were allowed to watch 1 hour of TV per day, and they had to plan and declare ahead of time, what they wished to watch.

Got me wondering if we would be better off with TVs without remote control units. If I had to get up from the couch and walk to the TV to change the channel every time I got bored with what I was watching, I am quite certain that sooner rather than later, I would switch it off and go do something real with my time.

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