Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Irrational arguments

I love to hear a good argument and even more to participate in one.
Once in a while however, you hear an argument that just leaves you exasperated or amused if you are only an observer.

This happened a couple of days ago when a family member was travelling from Dadar Mumbai to Swargate by bus. Swargate and Pune Railway Station are the two bus stands for MSRTCs Shivneri Volvo buses to Mumbai. Travel time from Dadar to Swargate is nearly the same as travel time to Pune Station. The traveller had booked a ticket for the 7 pm departure from Dadar but the bus arrived at 7:30 pm and after a reasonably quick turnaround, departed at 7:45 pm. Traffic was bad that evening and it took them an hour to exit Mumbai city.

At this point, one of the women on the bus started to get upset and proceeded to berate the driver about the delay. She was upset about the bus arriving late and the cascading delay on departure time. The driver tried to explain that traffic coming into Mumbai was particularly bad that day; worse than what they were experiencing on the way out. She would have none of it, however, and her next comment was, "The bus from Pune station takes only 3 hours."

Damned Swargate buses, and double-damned Swargate drivers.

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