Monday, October 5, 2015

Location based functionality

I was reading a review of the newly launched BMW 7 series and some of the features in this new car are location based. The air-conditioning, for example switches automatically to re-circulation mode when the GPS system tells the car that it is entering a tunnel. The car will also recommend economy mode when the next petrol station is more than a certain distance away.

I had written some time ago about my fear that suppliers of weapons systems could transmit signals to our newly purchased defence equipment that could enable or disable certain functionality. I just realized that they probably do not even have to transmit such signals, for ostensibly, we could jam them or shield the equipment from radio waves. The software could already be built-in, with functionality activated based on location and perhaps even time of year or time of day.

With VW showing us what cheat software can do, we can now imagine weapon systems that function exceptionally well during testing and do what they please when out in the battlefield.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Given the lack of focus on security systems for a car, I'll bet that you and I could hack a high-end Mercedes/BMW in a couple of months, or less.

In fact, look at this

It's already on