Thursday, October 1, 2015

Running out of new content?

I have noticed that there have been a surprisingly large number of remakes of old movies and TV series in the last few years. Man of Steel was a remake of the original Superman - and for novelty it combined the story lines of the Original Superman and Superman II. Battlestar Galactica has been re-imagined with new actors, newer model Cylons - but the same storyline. We have also had Star Trek being remade with TNG (The Next Generation) and Star Trek Voyager.

I realized that if you squint your eyes and look closely, there are more such - even though they pretend to not be remakes. The sitcom Big Bang Theory is this decade's remake of Friends. There are 3 guys and 3 gals. One of the guys is academically accomplished but socially inept. There is one girl who is rather goofy. They are all good friends with each other and seem to spend all of their time only with each other. By the same token, Friends was last decade's remake of Seinfeld which also has one reasonably accomplished guy, one goofy character and one strange guy and of course the mandatory pretty girl. And all them spend all their time only with each other.

It is quite a paradox that literacy and education levels have been growing across the world in the last 2 or 3 decades, and yet the world seems to be struggling to come up with new and novel content in the entertainment space.

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