Monday, August 31, 2015

Business School and the Army

They say that life in the army is made up of long periods of boredom punctuated by short periods of terror.

I have been thinking about this and I daresay it could possibly hold true for a number of professions; like say for pilots or long haul truckers, or merchant seamen. I also realized that the converse is true for the first year at Business School for most of the students. A continuous state of panic followed by short periods of boredom during the term breaks.

Sure, there are a few from the IITs who seem to think the pace is too slow and they are not really getting their money's worth. But for the most part, for most of the student body, the grueling schedule with 200 page readings every day and grilling in the classroom by the professor, plus the maddening surprises quizzes and the dismay at having your grade put up on the public notice board, adds to a fair bit of stress.

I hope there is a law of quantum stress that postulates that the total quantum of stress to be endured in one's lifetime is a pre-ordained quantity. Might explain why some people are able to lead a life of equanimity after B School.

1 comment:

Saumil Pandya said...

Lol. So doing MBA serves a much higher purpose :)