Monday, August 31, 2015

Business schools and boredom

It occurred to me right after I hit 'Publish' on the last post that there could be a corollary of the law of quantum stress. Boredom is also likely governed by the same law.

People who have been through B School can often be seen to be rather bored. Bored at their jobs in particular. Eavesdrop on any conversation at a gathering of B-School classmates and given enough time, you are sure to see the conversation veer to, "We need to do something 'cool' or something different. We need to head out there as entrepreneurs."

If the cause for this boredom among MBAs could be narrowed down to one single factor, I would like to bet that it is the number of PowerPoint presentations that person has to make.

Come to think about it, it could be a close draw between the number of PowerPoint presentations the person has to make and the number of meetings or conference calls the person has to attend.

How many times have you been on a conference call where you mind zoned out and you heard the dreaded, "What do you think, <your name here>?" You know what we all do when that happens.
We swallow that drink we have been swirling in our mouth and punch the un-mute button on our phone and say through muscle memory, even without thinking, "Sorry, I couldn't hear that too well. Could you repeat that last part?" Who do we think we are fooling? It is only because we are all guilty of the same behaviour ourselves that we conspire to not hold this lack of attention against anyone else.

If mentors of MBA younglings could shield them from meetings and from remaking decks, joy at work could be much higher and attrition much lower.

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