Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What worries you

It occurred to me on the drive home from work yesterday that different things occupy our minds at different stages in life. The surprising part is that these things are consistent across different people from different socio-economic strata.

In school - we are worried about not getting punished by the teacher - worried about being late or not having done our homework. The teachers pets are worried about looking good all the time.

Then we worry about getting admitted to a respectable college. Then we worry about getting a job. Then we worry about doing well on the job and making a promotion. Next in line is making enough money to be able to buy a house and a car. Can we afford the EMIs?

After we get married it is - Should I save money now or should I travel to Europe before we have the kids. Can we afford to have kids and give them the life they deserve - or should we wait a couple more years.

Then in the parenting years, it a whole new set of worries. Are my kids doing well at school? Are they turning out okay? Are they getting into bad company? Are their friends decent fellows?

These days we have a few new demons to worry about - are they safe on the school bus? Are they safe at the beach? Are they safe when they go trekking?

Then they get into college and we have whole new set of worries. Who are they dating? Will I approve of the person they are dating? When do I get to meet this guy or gal?

Then it is - Will they get a good job? Will they be happy? And the cycle repeats.

It is amazing that among the educated middle class, this pattern of worrying is the same across countries and generations.

Time to figure out which of these worries are ghosts and how to live our life differently.

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