Monday, August 24, 2015

Whatsapp blindness

A friend called me some time ago to wish me happy birthday. Since I have not received birthday wishes from this person in many years, I asked how she remembered this year. She said a number of my classmates from B School were wishing me on the WhatsApp group.

This is where things get interesting. You see, I am not on WhatsApp. Someone started the chain by wishing me and everyone else replied without checking if the intended recipient is on the list.
I presume there are about 50+ people out there who truly believe that they have wished me on my birthday.

Epiphany for the day: When you wish to connect with someone, pick up the phone. Do not send them a message. Messages are sent by banks, insurance companies and all sorts of retailers you shop at, including but not restricted to jewelers, grocery stores, apparel stores, pizza outlets, airlines, hotels and a few other I am sure I am missing here. 

Friends pick up the phone and chat.

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